
amiles, rashes and plugs

Christian has had his first "real" smiles. About 2 weeks ago. He has had a little case of baby acne, so I haven't really taken many pictures. I thought it was clearing up, but he has still been covered in red bumps. But I've now realized that these bumps aren't acne, but rather a rash of some sort. His face is clear, but his neck, chest and back are all covered in red bumps and his arms and legs have just plain bumps. He looks like he's wearing a onesie! I think it's the laundry soap. I used Method baby soap at first and am now using just plain ALL Clear and Free (my normal soap), so I assumed it was fine. I also use dryer balls and not dryer sheets, so there isn't anything there. So I picked up some Target brand baby soap and am trying that again and also doing a second rinse on all loads with vinegar. A waste of water, but we'll see if this helps. I would think the Clear and Free soap would be better, the baby soap actually has added fragrance! But anyhow. He smiles so much now, we just love it! He even smiles at his sisters!

We've been trying to work out our sleeping arrangements for the kids. Currently, Marryn has been alternating between the queen bed and her old toddler bed (we brought it up for her to use when we have guests). Reganne is still in the crib and Christian is in the cradle in our room. So we moved the toddler bed into Reganne's current room (next to the crib), but she wants nothing to do with it. She wants the "big bed." So, for the past couple nights Reganne has slept in the queen bed in Marryn's room and Marryn has slept in the toddler bed in Reganne's room. They eventually need to be in the same room, but first things first.... Naps are another story. Reganne won't stay in bed, so after a few hours...yes it was a couple hours yesterday...we end up putting her in the crib. I really want to get them twin bunk beds (seperate them into just two beds for now), but we have no budget for that right now, so what we have is going to have to work for now. But anyhow, the whole point of my story...

My babies and their plugs.
(Okay, so there was no point for the whole bed story...except that they're in the big bed.)
Reganne only uses her plug when she sleeps. I blame myself for it. When she was 10 months old, she was hardly using one. I took the girls on a plane trip to Arizona to see my family by myself. I was so worried, having the two, that I wouldn't be able to nurse her during take-off and landings, so I urged the plug use. In addition, she was a little out of sorts during the trip, so again, I urged the plug. She came home with a must stronger desire to have it. And now, at almost 2 years, she still wants it. But with the move and then the baby, we haven't found a great time to get rid of it. At least it's only at night. Her other thing, she grabs her neck with it. It's her "comfort" thing. Wierd.

6 happy thoughts:

Kim said...

Oh my goodness! So cute! I love the smiles. At first I thought they were Joey's baby pictures, then I realized they were taken recently. :) Just kidding. He looks exactly like Joey! I still think he is adorable though (love you Joey :) Love the picture of Reganne and Christain. So cute. I wouldn't worry about taking Reganne's plug yet. She's young. I have a good trick when your ready. Miss you!

Emily said...

Those picts of two of them with their binkis is priceless. I love it. I miss seeing your cute kids (and you of course).

MK said...

I am so glad you found me! And I am so glad to be able to check your life too! Anyhow...Holy Cow your kids are stinking cute. We had no idea (atleast I didn't, maybe Gary did) that you had another baby? Looks like it is all going ok. I am nervous about having two. Thanks for finding me! I will keep you on my list of blogs to check everyday!

The King Family said...

Cute! He is getting so big and so quick too. Love the pictures. It's okay about the plug - I say if they are happy it's fine. Oh, such fun kids. The little guy looks so happy!

Amparo said...

Reganne and Christian look so much a like. Wow! They are sooo cute! Anique totally misses Marryn too. She was hoping to see her on her first day of school. She has not quite understood that you guys have moved to another state. Whenever I look at your blog I let Anique look at the pictures and then she will talk about Marryn for about a week nonstop. We may have to put let them talk on the phone sometime. Anyways, your family is so cute and we totally miss you guys!!!

rachwheel said...

That is so cute!
Your baby is a chunk, and so handsome!
My little sister who is now a returned missionary also "held" her neck as we called it. She would pinch it softly for comfort while sucking her tongue upside down.
Some days it still takes a couple hours for my kids to go to sleep, but I've trained them to at least stay in their beds for quiet time and have found some things like bribing or taking away privileges works (today was, if you can take a good nap, we'll go to the Library to choose two books when you wake up...they were out within ten minutes--about every other day is good like that though).
If you want her to stay in her bed, keep taking her back no matter how long it takes and don't talk to her or have eye contact after the first couple times of reminding her it's bed time, giving her kisses and tucking her in. She'll learn.
There's so many challenges to mommyhood and with each age comes a new stage, and every stage is different with different personalities. It's challenging, isn't it?!! Sometimes I feel like I don't have a clue what I'm doing.
Good luck with everything, you're a great Mommy!!