
miss reganne

This girl is so hard to photograph.
And doesn't like to be photographed much either. 

Maybe it's her age, I don't know...

But while taking pics of our little Christian boy getting his hair wacked off (yes, I promise I'll get an after shot up soon), I turned and snapped a few of her watching. 

Couldn't believe I came away with this one.  (And even a couple others too.)

It's her. 
This is what we see everyday.

No weird smiles.
No tucked in lips.
No odd head tilts.
No hiding, refusing to look.

Just her.

And the beauty that she is.

4 happy thoughts:

Unknown said...

It's beautiful-- I love that shot! and the processing-- she's such a little sweetheart-- and I think it's the age cuz' I have a hard time getting a natural shot out of Brynley 2.

Jennifer said...

So cute, I just love the natural photo opps. She is so cute and I can't wait to see the newbie when he arrives!!

Laura said...

This is a beautiful shot!!!

rachwheel said...

I think she's beautiful in all the pictures you've taken of her! But, I totally know what you mean about this. My Ginnie Ann (also second to oldest) is the same way, and I can't ever catch what I see every day either.
But all your children are very beautiful.