
our garden

i was going through the girls' photos and videos from their cameras.
came across this.
warning: it is taken by a six year old...  

our garden: by marryn

{to stop the blog music, scroll to the very very bottom...}

4 happy thoughts:

Skye said...

so adorable! oh to be six again :)

rachwheel said...

It has been forever since I've looked at your blog. The reason you came to my mind today is that my friend who just recently moved to Colorado Springs, just lost her two month old baby girl.
I began thinking of you and how you'd understand what she's going through. She has three older boys. But worked so extra hard to get that little girl here. My heart aches for her loss.
Then I was brought to the realization that my Mother was so similar in what she went through. Her first baby was a boy and died at four months old. Then came my older sister, then me, and my two little brothers.
I don't know where you're living these days, but I was wondering if you have any advice or words of comfort you'd like to give to her through me. You may be in the same Stake or something if you still live in Southern CO. Anyhow, I cannot believe how your kids just keep growing right up!
They're beautiful and happy as always.

Veronica Milan said...

Kelsey, I've missed you! Keep posting!

Kim said...

That is so cute!!!