
no peas please

The other day I fed Christian his first peas. Needless to say, it was a no go. I gave him a couple bites and he would just gag them up, literally. And I'm so mean, that I had to give him another bite later just so Joey could see it too! I then tried again today. Nope. Still won't eat them! (But who can really blame him?!)

6 happy thoughts:

Kim said...

LOL!!!! Oh my goodness that is histarical! Poor baby. It is so cute that he tried to eat them and just couldn't. What a doll! I love him!

G'Ma Jean said...

Joey would NEVER eat baby peas - and acted the same way as Christian at this age. As Joey got older, he would pick the peas out of his soup!! Christian is so precious and the videos/pics make me feel as close as I can be right now. Thanks always Kelsey for sharing!! Hugs and Kisses to all - Grandma Jean

G'Ma Jean said...

Okay - Kelsey - I have watched and listened to this video at least 10 times..........is that you I hear giggling??!! The documentation is priceless - perhaps you should send to "Funniest Home Videos" and win 10K!! XO Jean

Laine said...

Oh my gosh, I laughed so loud on that one!!!

Amparo said...

That was so funny!!! Maybe you should try green beans instead. I got lucky with Alyse, she absolutely loves vegetables.

Ashli Dardenne said...

That's too funny! Both my kids LOVE peas. Michael won't eat them now, but as a baby it was his favorite. It's Madilyn's favorite too. Better luck next time.