
ready or not

here he comes.

currently 26 weeks
due 4.9.10

18 happy thoughts:

Emily said...

What the ???? 26 weeks and you are just telling us? Congrats on a boy. Yeah! 2 girs, 2 boys, it's nice when a plan comes together :)

Koenig Family Blog said...

Seriously!?!? WOW, how exciting!!! Congrats!

Jennifer said...

Yay, you went public!! GReat and how exciting..So you are having a boy? WooHOO!!

JanisKPC said...

I must have read your post on FB and stared at the photo for a full minute before I jumped off my chair! I guess this is a first for me to hear such big news on line! I came to your blog to make sure I got the news correctly! I am so happy! I hope you are feeling good! xo Aunt Janis

Laura said...

Wow! Congratulations!!!!

Kat said...

WOW, congratulations Kelsey and Joey!!! We are so happy for you!! Can't believe you waited this long before blogging...


Megan said...

I am so excited for you :)!!! And a boy. Christian will have a little budy. I hope you are feeling well and that the next 14 weeks go smooth. I cannot believe you made it 26 weeks without a peep.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! I was afraid I'd missed an important announcement when I saw this on FB today, but it looks like you surprised a lot of us. I'll be watching to see if he arrives on Ethan's birthday (April 5th). I'm sure you wouldn't mind him arriving a few days early:).

Rhitzclan said...

How did you do it? How did you keep it under wraps for so long? I'm so impressed! Congrats to you both from Ry and I. Please be sure to tell Joey too- and hello from us both! We are very happy for you. =)

Weideman said...

Your kids are too adorable!! Love your blog and the "they said it column"! and congratulations!- I've seen you and I didn't even realize you were pregnant until last Sunday!

Mandi Buchanan said...

What a wonderful blessing!! Congratulations!

LeighSabey said...

Congratulations, Kelsey! I meant to ask you if it was a boy or girl...yay for a little brother!

MK said...

Hellooo...Yes, 26 weeks and just now an announcement?! :) Congrats, we are so excited for you guys!

momentsthattakeyourbreathaway said...

You're due when I'm due! I can't believe you didn't tell anyone for so long. Your belly is cute and I love your blog. You inspire me to blog about everyday life- I just need to do it!

The Lepetich Family said...

What?!? Yea!! I can't wait to love another one!! I am so excited for you guys! I had no idea! I guess that's what I get for living so far away!! I got your Christmas card. So cute! Love you guys!!

Laine said...

Love, love, love that tummy!! Can't wait to see his cute, handsome face!

Page Family said...

Congratulations! So there is this guy in another ward that looks a ton like Joe. Does he have a brother that lives here?

Katielin317 said...

WHOO HOO!! Congrats!! Now if only we could move to the springs so I could meet these kids of yours...